Cultivation of Aloe Vera



The aloe vera plant short trunked and hidden in the soil. In part this stems emerging seedlings were clustered around the parent plant. This puppies can be used as a way to separate the parent seed. Puppies who deserve to be sized seeds about the size of your thumb, with a length between 10 cm - 20 cm. Each parent can produce a rod 5-8 rods that surround the plant. For planting in large quantities, need to do special preparation of nurseries to produce seedlings.

The parent plants producing seeds maintained specifically on beds or pots in order to produce more tillers. If it appears puppies for thumb can be moved on immediately cut to a special place, a nursery beds or polybags. Nursery (nursery) is made ​​up strong roots to be transplanted to the field. Old nursery can reach 3-4 weeks.

To obtain uniform seedlings, fertile, and healthy then the puppies should be maintained in particular, ranging from regular watering, providing fertile ground pesemian, periodic fertilizing and pest and disease control precisely, so that the seeds do not become infectious pests and diseases. Nursery soil can be mixed with manure or compost to make it more fertile and friable. Earthy friable seedbed will facilitate the lifting of seedlings.

Aloe vera can also stem grafting for propagation. However, due to the short-trunked, making it difficult in large quantities. Replanting is done by cutting the stem of aloe vera, flat on the ground, to stimulate the growth of new tillers that will appear around the stem. Furthermore, the new plant saplings used or moved.

Before planting, the saplings are planted in small polybag so that the roots grew a lot and ready to be moved into the field. Each polybag enough saplings planted 1 thumb-sized trunk. The trick, condense polybag soil around the roots so that the roots can or will be directly on the ground.

Land for breeding should be crumbly. Therefore, the soil can be mixed with manure or compost cendawa free.


The aloe vera plant has no leafy canopy, so that planting can use dense spacing. Spacing is often used single line spacing, which facilitates maintenance and harvesting.

 Spacing used in a single row is 50 cm x 75 cm, 50 cm x 100 cm. Beds can be used for wide spacing of 60 cm x 50 cm, or as shown below. Good spacing measurements will facilitate subsequent maintenance, because aloe vera plant will be maintained for a long time.


Planting aloe vera should use seeds that have dideder that the mortality rate is low. In addition, maintenance of plants in a small scale (in the nursery place) is much easier than the maintenance of the plants that have been planted in the field. Therefore, place the plant nursery reared more intensively in order to get a healthy plant, lush, dams selected, so that a uniform crop.

The aloe vera plant can be planted at any season, but good planting can be done at the beginning of the rainy season or the end of the dry season. In the rainy season the problem is the plant more susceptible to the fungus, while in the dry season threatened plants die because of drought. When planting should be selected in the early morning or late afternoon, when the sun is not too hot to reduce kelayuan.

Plant seeds removed from polybag with extreme caution so as not too many roots are breaking up or separating places loss of land. Planting is done by making a hole on the bed about as deep as the eye hoe. Furthermore, seeds implanted into the hole and compacted soil around the roots so that soil dederan blend with soil beds. Give protection individually on each new crop is planted with banana gedebok or the leaves of young plants early in order to avoid kelayuan. In addition, if there is no rainfall, new plants need to be watered until the plants are strong. At that time the plant can be fertilized with a low dose, for each acre given 100 kg Urea, 100 kg TSP, and 50 kg of KCI.


 - Stitching

After planting, the need to watch out for is keeping the moisture so plants will not dry up. Therefore, it should be done on a continuous watering, good morning or late afternoon when it is not raining. Watering is done to root crops grow, to be able to meet its water needs.

For the preservation of this when there is a death or crop growth is not good should be immediately replaced with new plants. Some of the new crop could pursue the growth of other plants then stitching should be done 1-3 weeks after planting. Seeds used for embroidery originated from nursery seedlings are deliberately left to penyuluman.

- Fostering

Actually no precise recommendations for Aloe vera cultivation. But the growth required elements nitrogen and potassium to the formation of leaf chlorophyll, the vegetative growth of crops, and crop tissue formation. As the adoption of phosphate, is expected to stimulate the growth and development of roots. According to the experience of farmers, cultivating dose can follow these instructions.
No.When givingUreaTSPKCIRemarks
1 3 – 4 month 100100100100–505050per ha

To improve soil structure, in addition to be given artificial fertilizers should also be given organic fertilizer, such as compost and manure in the form of cow dung, goat, and poultry. According to the experience of the farmers, it turns cow manure is better, because it contains a lot of nutrients, especially nitrogen and other micro elements. In addition, mature cow dung does not stimulate the growth of fungi. Meanwhile, poultry manure bersal often invite fungal diseases.

- Hoarding

At the age of 3 months the plant has begun to flourish. So that the plants have started to spread to the surrounding beds. To bring food, loose soil, and strengthen the establishment of the plant, the plant needs to hoard by raising the surrounding soil and compacted to around the stems of plants.

Hoarding usually also accompanied by the subsequent weed control and fertilization. At this time it also carried pembumbunan penyobekan plants that already produce tillers. Plants that have too many child growth will be stunted. In addition, penyobekan also useful for obtaining puppies which will be used as seed.

- Torning

At the age of 5-6 months of the crop has begun to produce a child of the stem buried in the ground. A child's need to be separated disobek or seeds. Also, if a child will be left to grow in the vicinity of its parent to become a burden to the parent. Growth of the parent becomes obstructed, and dwarf plants.

When will be the seed, this time we begin to separate a child to then dideder. Split Penyobekan or a child of a child of this parent is done carefully using a sharp knife.

- Weed Control
The aloe vera plant has no leaves lush planting so the soil around the open. It invites a lot of growing in the wild, let alone the plants will continue to be maintained for several years. Therefore, it is necessary to continuously weed control, when the fate of a small weed control easier and cost less. Pengendaliaan weeds can be done manually by pulling by hand, using a hoe or leftovers, mendangir while membumbun, or use of chemical herbicides.

Several types of harmful weeds are weeds (Imperata cylindrica), gerinting grass (Cynodon dactylon), nut-grass (Cyperus rotundus), purslane (Portuaca spp.), Kale (Ipomorea sp.), And others. In regions with high rainfall, over 2,000 mm / year is relatively high growth of weeds. In addition, the use of manure, especially the use of manure, especially cow dung, also often become carriers of grass seed. Therefore, the use of manure must use fertilizers that have been cooked well (decomposed) so that weed seeds are there already dead.

In addition to being rivals in acquiring food and sunshine for the main crops, weeds are also often the host plants for pests and diseases.


- Pests leaf-eating caterpillars

Damage due to pests has not been reported seriously. Pests are often disturbing is the driving caterpillar leaves on young plants. These caterpillars are very disturbing because it resulted in impaired plant growth. Caterpillar pest control is done by spraying insecticides.

- Hama Snails

Snail and slug pests similar small leaf damage. Pengendaliaan bekisot pests can be done manually. This software is fairly easy animals captured and killed or collected to be used as feed chickens or ducks.

This pest is very fond of moist places. Holes and damp bushes is a good place to lay eggs and breed. Therefore, environmental sanitation is necessary to cope with this pest.

- Disease

The disease often attacks the aloe vera plant is a class of fungi that cause rot at the base of the stem, or leaf base, such as Fusarium Sp. which attack the roots or base of the stem so that the plants wilt and die.

Control of this disease can be done by setting the ground for smooth drainage, karen fungus is very fond of ugly land drainage and damp. Affected plants should be destroyed by the road and the place where the burnt plant isolated so as not to transmit the disease to other plants. Chemical control is done with the use of fungicide active ingredient dazomet, captafol or benomyl, as Basamid G, Benlete or Vapam. Its use is done by spraying the plants or by dipping the roots of the plant before the crop is planted.

Benefits of Aloe Vera for Beauty

Eliminate Acne

The trick is very simple and can be done at home without having to go out of the house. Take the aloe vera, then split, then take the sap or slime contained therein. Apply on the acne affected face once a day for about 10-15 minutes then rinse with warm water.

Eliminating Black Spots

For those of you who have black spots on the face due to the influence of cosmetic or acne scars is forgiveness method to eliminate the natural way. The trick: after face cleared, grab the tongue jelly crocodile, then cleaned of mucus and mucus-prepared to face every morning as well evening. Let stand for 30 minutes. After that, wash with clean water and dry. Do it at least 2x a day in a row. Guaranteed, your face will be smooth and free of flex-flex hitam.Walau time consuming, but if done regularly, the result would be the maximum.

Eyelash Health

For those of you-you are diligent use mascara, of course, will affect the health of your lashes. Among them: and fast dry eyelash loss. But you do not worry because there is a special recipe that uses jelly liday crocodile that could strengthen the roots of the lashes as well as nourish your lashes and your lashes will be heavy. The trick: each will sleep, or even when you relax, wash your eyelashes to be free of chemicals such as mascara. Then take Aloe Vera jelly, and rub it gently and slowly on your eyelashes. Let stand for 30 minutes then rinse with plain water to clean. If regular use, your lashes will guarantee strong, not easily fall out and thick.

Fertilize Brow

Aloe vera jelly can also be used to thicken your eyebrows. The way each bed diolekan to your eyebrows, then washed the next day. The more you are diligent to do, then the result will be maximum.

Hair Care

In terms of hair care that has been done, the use of aloe vera can accelerate hair growth, reduce the appearance of dandruff, and can also replace the function of the conditioner softens the hair. Take 2 midrib aloe vera that has been washed, then rub it on the scalp that had been washed (done in the afternoon). Then wrapped with a cloth and rinse hair the next day, try to do this treatment every day to get maximum results.

Skin Care

No matter what type of skin you have, aloe vera is said to be suitable for all skin types because it gives the oxygen supply to the cells that can generate force and nourish the skin. Take a piece of aloe vera and set aside any part the gel. Remember, this does not include sticky liquid that sticks to the skin. Destroy this gel and apply before you sleep. In addition to acne disappear, the skin will become soft, glowing skin and say goodbye to wrinkles.

Shave Gel

If you want to shave with a comfortable and safe, you do not have to use shaving cream. Simply apply the gel contained in aloe vera then you make it easier to shave and prevent irritation. Aloe vera will keep your skin cool and comfortable without feeling pain.

Cleansing makeup

You should try the aloe vera gel to clean your makeup. Directly taking natural gel, then he will gently cleanse makeup without leaving irritation.


No need to be confused to find a moisturizer that is natural and safe for sensitive skin. You simply find the aloe vera made ​​so that the skin becomes cool. He also safe for sensitive skin, acne prone skin. Even aloe vera helps heal acne and acne scars.

Benefits of Aloe Vera for Beauty

Content of Vitamins and Aloe Vera Benefits

According to the research, this plant can be content-rich substances like enzymes, amino acids, minerals, vit., Polysaccharides and other components are very useful for health.

Among the substances contained within the aloe vera is aloe emodin, SBH organic compounds from the class mark antrokuinon insulin levels that activate the insulin-like perceiving and beta-substrat1, phosphatidyl inositol-3 kinase and increase the rate of glycogen synthesis inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase 3beta, 1 to very beneficial to reduce blood sugar ratio.

In the countries of the Americas, Australia, and Europe, it is aloe vera has also been used as the raw material of health food and beverage industry.

Aloe vera / Aloe vera contains all kinds vitami (except vitamin D), minerals are required for the function of enzymes, sapiens which act as anti-microbial and 20 of the 22 types of amino acids. For use within skin care, Aloe vera can eliminate acne on the face, moisturize the skin, detoxify the skin, scar removal, and can reduce inflammation and as well as repair and skin rejuvenation. With a variety of benefits contained within aloe vera, use less than the maximum by a resident who only use it only for hair growth. 

Content of Vitamins_Aleo Vera

Traits and Characteristics of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera Characteristics used to live in a place that has heat or baiasa planted in pots or in pekarang home to be used as an ornamental plant. The leaves are slightly tapered form spurs, not thin, brittle, jagged edges / small spiny, mottled surface, reaching 15-36 cm in length, 2-6 cm wide, flower stalks reach a length of 60-90 cm, reddish yellow flowers (orange), many of the North African side, West Indies.

a. Trunk- trunked short Aloe Vera Plant. The trunk was seen in because the leaves covered by dense and some immersed in soil. This rod can pass through the shoots that appear after it made ​​the tiller. Aloe Vera is also apparent from the long-stemmed trunk through the cracks or axillary panicles. Aloe Vera can also stem grafting For propagation of plants. Replanting is done cut-out leaves and stems, then from the remaining stump of the trunk may appear new shoots or tillers.

b. Leaves of the Aloe Vera plant leaves form elongated strands of ribbon. Fleshy leaves are not thin, boneless, grayish green, succulent bersifaat (lots of water content) and contains a lot of lymph or mucus (gel) as raw materials for drugs. Aloe vera plants resistant to drought in because a lot of stored reserves in the leaves of water that can be used during water shortages. Being leaves resemble a sword with a tapered end, the leaf surface is coated by wax, with weak spines dipinggirnya. Leaf length can reach 50-75 cm, with a weight of 0, 5 kg - 1 kg, leaf tightly coiled around the stem bersaf-saf.

c. Aloe Vera Flowers Flowers are yellow or reddish-shaped pipe that collects, out of the armpit leaves. Flowers small in size, arranged in the form of bunches rencanaian, and the length can reach 1 m. Flowers generally appear when planted in the mountains. d. Root root root form of the Aloe Vera plant fibers are short and there are at ground level. Root length in the range 50-100 cm. For want of plant growth and loose fertile soil on top of it.

Characteristics of Aloe Vera

Benefits of Aloe Vera

According to the research, this plant can be content-rich substances like enzymes, amino acids, minerals, vit., Polysaccharides and other components are very useful for health.

In addition, according to E and Kusnandar Wahyono (2002), aloe vera useful as anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and helps cell turnover system.

 In addition to lowering the sugar content within the blood for patients with diabetes, controlling blood pressure, stimulates the immune system to attack cancer, and can be used as nutritional support of cancer, HIV / AIDS patients.

Among the substances contained within the aloe vera is aloe emodin, SBH organic compounds from the class mark antrokuinon insulin levels that activate the insulin-like perceiving and beta-substrat1, phosphatidyl inositol-3 kinase and increase the rate of glycogen synthesis inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase 3beta, 1 to very beneficial to reduce blood sugar ratio. 

Benefits of Aloe Vera For Health

Aloe vera / Aloe vera contains all kinds vitami (except vitamin D), minerals are required for the function of enzymes, saponins which act as anti-microbial and 20 of the 22 types of amino acids.
-  For use in skin care, Aloe vera can eliminate acne on the face, moisturize the skin, detoxify the skin, scar removal, and can reduce inflammation and as well as repair and skin rejuvenation.
- Can be utilized to cure a disease, such as for worming, Healer Burns, Ulcer Drugs, festering wounds, tonsillitis, eye pain, sprains and, Cosmetic, and Acne.


Aleo vera is a plant that has been known since thousands of years ago and used as fertilizer hair, healing wounds, and for skin care. This plant can be found easily in dry areas of Africa.

In general, aloe vera is one of the best-selling 10 kinds of plants in the world that has the potential to be developed as medicinal plants and industrial raw materials.
Based on the research results, this plant rich in substances such as enzymes, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, polysaccharides and other components that are beneficial to health.

Aloe vera is efficacious as an anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and helps in cell regeneration. In addition to lowering blood sugar levels for diabetics, controlling blood pressure, stimulates the immune system to attack cancer, and can be used as nutritional support of cancer, HIV / AIDS.

One of the substances contained in aloe vera is aloe emodin, a class of organic compounds that activate antrokuinon levels of insulin-like signaling perceiving-beta and insulin-substrat1, phosphatidyl inositol-3 kinase and increases the rate of glycogen synthesis by inhibiting glycogen synthase kinase 3beta, [1] so it is very useful to reduce blood sugar ratio.